Welcome to AtlanAI

Our Expertise areas Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning RPA Services Chatbot Development Import/Export Services

Welcome to AtlanAI

We combine quality industrial hardware with smart applications. AtlanAI Services delivers smart applications fuelled with AI and machine learning technology. We drive growth and competitive edge for businesses with our innovative IT, Big Data and RPA solutions along with our reliable industry equipment and components.

- Optimizing Performance with Digital Transformation

- Synergising Big Data, AI and Machine Learning

- Quality Machinery and Industrial Equipments

Contact Us


Our team will design a transformational journey from business to agile enterprise and will address all aspects of agility, streamlining different processes across various departments, teams, and operations.


Our dedicated team of developers will ensure delivery of the quality product right from the designing, testing, and troubleshooting. We help organizations to accelerate the process of launching the new product to the market with industry expertise and talented engineers. With reduced cost spent on designing and testing, our services offer cost-effective ways to bring innovative products to the market without any hassle.

AI Transformation

Big Data Management and Analytics

The modern-day enterprises are transforming into data-driven businesses where Big Data plays a crucial role in strategic decision making. AtlanAI Services offers Big Data solutions that deliver Consumer insights along with data management tools to help your organization transform into a business empowered with Big Data. We provide technology and knowledge to unlock an organization’s potential for growth.

As the world today is becoming digitalized, the data that employees and consumers are generating are immense. Our data management tool helps to leverage marketing strategies, human resource management and create new market opportunities for business leaders.

As the organization’s today aimed to scale across the globe and value chain, managing the complexity of the business process, workflow across teams becomes challenging for business leaders. Our Enterprise Architecture solution helps to identify process and workflow loopholes and offers means to optimize efficiency.


Our Clients

We’re always looking for people who can bring new perspectives and life experiences to our clients.

Why Choose Us

Build Best-in-Class Hybrid Cloud, Data Driven and AI Enterprises Solutions and Intelligent Distributed Systems and Data Driven Decision Platforms at Scale for AI and Data Driven World.

Optimizing Performance with Digital transform

In the digital landscape of the world, the need for the digital environment to enable collaboration between the remote workforce and the teams is crucial. Our solutions streamline various teams, departments, and processes into digital platforms to create opportunities for employees to collaborate remotely from any part of the world to enable agility and smooth workflow.

Synergising Big Data, AI and Machine Learning

We create intelligent applications with AI and Machine learning capabilities to leverage your Big Data. Our solutions help in decoding consumer behavior and drive deep insights to guide business leaders in crucial decisions. We enable enterprises to build predictive models based on consumer data and facilitate accurate predictions of market dynamics.

Quality Machinery and Industrial Equipments

AtlanAI Services offer quality industrial equipments and components to build reliable operation infrastructure. Along with electrical and safety equipment, we offer medical equipment designed as per WHO standards. With robust testing and quality check mechanisms we deliver state of the art and modern equipment for modern-day businesses.

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